sound insulation texture

About me

Hello, my name is Scott. I'm a Visual Storyteller with demonstrated experience delivering poignant, strategy-driven video content. I'm proficient in concept development, pre-production planning, editing, animation/motion graphics, color grading, and sound design.

picture of Scott

" ... I bring this spirit of adventure, along with thought leadership, and roll-up-the-sleeves tenacity to every project I work on."

As a seasoned, independent professional, experienced working with high-profile corporate and government clients, I'm dedicated to providing top-notch solutions, throughout the production process, ensuring that the outcome meets or exceeds goals.

When I'm not behind a camera or at a computer screen, I look for opportunities to enjoy camping, sailing and other outdoor exploration. I bring this spirit of adventure, along with thought leadership, and roll-up-the-sleeves tenacity to every project I work on.

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What I do

As an accomplished filmmaker, my work spans testimonial, educational, interview, documentary and promotional productions. My well-honed research process, and compassion for subject/talent, ensure that on set or in post, every decision and action purposefully drives the message, resulting in a captivating story that connects deeply with the intended audience.

Recent work

Demo Reel

Demo reel thumbnail depicting a woman and dog at the shoreline with the words R. Scott Vivilecchia sitting in the waves
Demo Reel

TV Series GFX

Public TV graphics package thumbnail showing The Register's Report show title super emposed over a shelf full of books
TV Series GFX

Map Concept GFX

Bus map concept graphics thumbnail showing abstract graphics that look like lines on a city bus map
Map Concept GFX

Brands I've worked with

Professional profiles

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Drop me a note...

if you've got a project in peril,
if your team needs talent,
if you have a video without vision,
if your website is weak-sauce....

I look forward to hearing about your project, and discussing how we can accomplish your goals.

Thanks for reaching out!

Your message is on it's way.
I'll review your inquiry, and get back to you soon.

Oh shoot, you broke it!

Just kidding. It's almost definitely my fault. But I'll be keeping an eye on you.... ;-)

Please email me, and let me know you're having problems

Or you can just reach out directly:
//P 617 678 4222